In this chapter I will show you data type in sql server.
1. Bit
->Integer with value 1 or 0.
2. Int
-> Integer value between -2^31(-2.147.483.648) until 2^31-1(+2.147.384.647).
3. Decimal or Numeric
-> value between -10^38-1 until 10^38-1.
4. Money
-> currency from -2^63( -922.377.203.685.477,5808) until 2^63-1(922.377.203.685.477,5807).
5. Float
-> -214.748,3648 until 1.79E+308.
6. Real
-> -3.40E+308 until 3.40E+38.
7. DateTime
-> 1 January 1973 until 31 December 9999.
8. SmallDateTime
-> 1 January 1900 until 6 Juny 2079, with precision until 1 minute.
9. Char
-> Number of permanent character with maximum size 8000.
10. Varchar
-> Number of variabel character with maximum size 8000.
11. Text
-> Number of variabel character with maximum size 2.147.483.647 .
12. NChar
-> Number of permanent character with maximum size 4000.
13. NVarchar
-> Number of variabel character with maximum size 4000.
14. NText
-> Number of variabel chaacter with maximum size 1.073.741.823 .
15. Binary
-> Number of permanent binary with maximum size 8000.
16. Varbinary
-> Number of variabel binary with maximum size 8000.
17. Image
-> Number of variabel character with maximum size 2.147.483.647.
Okay that's is it. I hope with some knowledge about data type in sql server I can help yout. Thank you for see this tutorial..^^
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Data Type SQL Server
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